Sunday, January 8, 2012

30 Day Photography Challenge ~ Day 12: Close Up Photo

So this is what you would call a 'macro' photo... basically something super zoomed in and focused.  I bought this today while I was out antiquing with my mom.  I think this is my new fetish... anything vintage.. but especially skeleton keys!  It makes me think that there was a time where things were just plain more simple, and people had time to make the little things more ornate. Like door nobs. Or a klenex (aka handkerchief).  And when everyone spoke British! ;)

- Cathy


  1. Hi Cathy. Really enjoying your photographs with creativity I wish I had. Have to take exception to the "vintage" thing though. That is just like the keys we still use at our house! Mr. J

    1. Ha! Understandable! These things are expensive.. if you ever sell your house I'll buy your keys off you! :)
